Sunday, December 22, 2013

Change in Step with Time

Kiss in step with change. Can technology spread love? Why not?!  When you feel joy in your heart, it makes room for cosmic understanding. Words are not necessary to describe it. It feels good.

Since our eyes and ears favor no particular point of view, it makes sense to keep an open mind. We do this by trusting what feels right. That's feeling with your mind.  Feeling with your mind includes experiencing courage, curiosity and dignity. What we feel with our mind are powerful guidelines that keep us in step with our moments. These feelings can't be memorized or mentally mastered. Instead these come innocently in response to what we see, hear, taste, touch or smell - in the moment.

In a video, people see a mistletoe drone and immediately feel like kissing. Technology creates the opportunity for focus and your senses provide it. Music creates that same kind of focus. Think with your senses, feel with your mind. You will connect with what feels right. It might be love or it might be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind creates sensual focus with a bigger picture perspective for the greater good. This 21st century way of thinking is personal power found in easy sensual awareness.  Welcome to the new Humanitarian Age.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Change and Curiosity

If you're gonna make a change..operate from a new belief that says life happens not to me but for me. #TonyRobbins 

Destiny is the result of your thinking. How you think is your choice.

  • See, hear, taste, touch, feel and inhale to recognize options. That's thinking with your senses. 
  • Be curious to get perspective and understanding; that's feeling with your mind.
Most things we do are habits. Habits zone us out, numb our senses and make us feel trapped. Curiosity kicks open doors and wakes us up. Curiosity connects us with presence. Living sensually builds energy that enables us to flow with  change

To take control of your life, be curious. It's not cool to memorize answers, because stuff keeps changing. Instead, it's cool to think for yourself. What do you experience? What do you notice? What do you value? How do you your choices feel?

Change takes dignity, focus, self-discipline and courage. These are intuitive strategies. Sense them and feel your advantage. Then, leap for it.

Find new solutions for old nagging problems. Use dignity and determination to guide your thinking. Use courage and your 6 senses to make new choices. That's how to create change now. That's sensual thinking.

If something's bugging you about the way your life is going, be curious. Notice what doesn't feel right. 

  • Curiosity is your personal tool of focus. 
  • Focus is your source for finding understanding and effective communication.
Being curious and honest with yourself at the same time is intuitive thinking.  Honesty with yourself is the bottom line of self-discipline. It means you trust yourself.  That's power. 
  • Change that matters takes focus, self-discipline and courage. Your cellular dignity connects with courage.Use your sensual insights found with curiosity, self-discipline and courage to find your advantage.
Curious is being open to the unexpected, the untried and to the failures. It's questioning the status quo. Curiosity is brilliant because it sets no limits or expectations. Be brilliant.

When we change the way we think, things change. Open up to your senses and connect with what you notice. The big picture is bigger than you think and there is a fresh way to solve what's bothering you.

Stay free, be curious about how it would feel to put the problem away for an hour. Then, envision your life differently.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Richard Buckminster Fuller 
Live Sensually, Make Choices that Feel Good.
Little Mix, Change Your Life

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Feel With Your Mind

I got a text: Follow the Fellow Who Follows a Dream.

Could dreams be feeling with your mind? 
Are they possibly a REM-level workout that keeps your brain healthy? 
If you think so, Dream On and then Follow Your Dream.

It's easy to connect with what you really feel with your mind, by listening to music that feels good. Music puts your mind into a REM pattern  - when you're awake. Feeling scattered is the opposite of feeling with your mind. Music pulls your heart / body /mind / soul together. You feel complete.

When listening to music, you are thinking with your senses. Sensual thinking is physical. The reaction to thinking with your mind is also physical. Your body begins to relax as you fall into rhythm with music you enjoy.

Enjoying music is the easy way to think with your senses. To hear better, close your eyes and feel music connect with your inner dignity, courage and determination. That's feeling with your mind. That's the dream to follow.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Google Sky Map

Google Sky Map is my current favorite app!  It gives a perspective that sparkles. It  shows the stars and tells me what I'm seeing. As I lie in bed in NYC, Zenith and Taurus are right over my head!  What does it mean? I don't know. I'm not an astrologer. All I know is it feels good to be aligned with those bright lights.

Light lifts our spirits, twirls away dark thoughts and makes corners cozy. Like music, light is a tool for opening our minds. Every one of us has starlight that we can feel, when we're open to the experience. It feels like affirmation of the parts of us that have not yet been realized. It's a connection with purpose and it's sensual. Sensual thinking helps you know yourself better.  That means you can satisfy yourself, better.

Times are not dependable! The only thing that we can depend on is the balance of sensual thinking. The balance of thinking with our senses and feeling iconic values like dignity and tenacity is our inner starlight.  It's time to move forward into the light of 21st century thinking. Intuitive values are the foundation of self-respect. Before we can love another fully, before we can be true to ourselves, before we can find genuine satisfaction in life - it's necessary to hook up with self-respect.  Self-respect is a quiet kind of feeling, solid in yourself, that guides wise decisions.

Protect yourself with sensual thinking. Inhale starlight with your eyes and trust the power of connecting with your dignity.  Dance more, stress less. The sparkles in starlight might be humor or they might be love. Have fun!

Check out Google Sky Map app. It's open sourced and easy on a smart phone or a tablet. Use it anytime to be aware of starlight shining on you! It's always here.  Everyone all over the world sees the same stars. Make a wish.

Reconnect with your inner  child and enjoy the wonder of our twinkling universe.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

What is Faith?

Faith is trusting the purpose of the moment. It's doing the right thing, for the right reason, the right way. Faith is not blind.

With faith in what is good, we can do so much to improve our health by respecting the planet and being part of all alive on it. Everyone is born with natural faith in what feels right.

Daily life is a circus of wonder and challenge. Every day there is something new to juggle. Keep your eyes, ears and heart alert.

Faith is not being able to see the future, but it is being clear about what you're doing to create it. This means if you're screwing something, make sure you turn the screwdriver in the right direction.

The past is over.  Move forward toward what feels right. Universal values are coded into your DNA.  You have the magic. Respect intuitive values like dignity, courage and love to stay clear about what matters. Freedom matters.

Faith is lucid living in our Virtual Age. Learning isn't just for children. The tuition we pay for the school of life is aging. Attendance isn't optional. The flow is  unpredictable and the impossible happens. Everything changes. Keep a sense of humor.

Multi-tasking constantly, we sense our own multi-dimensionality and feel with out minds. In playful and powerful ways we are experiencing the lucid presence of quantum technology and our own profound need to live with harmony.

Tuning to global values is really finding your groove.  It's what brings confidence to pick yourself up when you've hit a wall.  Intuition keeps you tuned to your heart.  An intuitive nudge to be tenacious opens a window to freedom and the responsibility to consider options. Maybe, trusting your gut is what faith is, too.

Instead of being guided by fear of the unknown, faith is clarity about goals. It's being led by energy that makes sense because it feels like self-respect.

Thinking sensually is liberating inner discipline that protects healthy choices. It's trusting what you sense and responding to what makes you curious. Doing what's right is self-respect. It's the key to inner harmony.

Guidelines for harmony are intuitive values that everybody can access: self-respect, grace, patience, tenacity. These are priceless - all rolled together - the inner private beacon of courage shining potential and possibility. Harmony keeps us responsible for our choices. Freedom is dignity.

This is a time of (r)evolution. It takes self-respect and courage to let go of what doesn't work. Reconnect with faith in your soul and your freedom.

Tune to your natural curiosity. There are no limits to creating the future. Standing together we have it all.
 Stand By Me Sung Around The World.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Breaking Rules

When rules get tedious, it’s time to change them. That feeling is an intuitive nudge. It's physical. Trust your gut.
Winds of Change, Scorpions 1991
Rules are made to be broken. 90% of rules are designed to expire. They should come with a time-stamp. Generally, rules are created to solve a problem or correct confusion. Good rules fix the problem. Once a problem is fixed, it's time to look for new challenges.

Rules made for breaking are the ones that serve no purpose. They feel tedious. We need to let go of them to see what needs fixing and what doesn't. It's important to look at the big goals.. Otherwise, we remain mired in the past.

Rules teach and we learn. For example, with dieting, you may decide to have desserts only on weekends as an experiment to gently lose weight.You make it a rule. It becomes a handrail to keep you on track and then it becomes an automatic part of you. You feel a calm,  healthy sense of accomplishment. The rule has done its job. You're ready to move forward.

Today everywhere, rules are 'broken' because they no longer make sense. We are evolving. Problems, like everything else, change. It's part of the topography of living. E
verything upgrades.

By responding to change, instead of rules, we sense intuitive guidelines - strategies for success. Curiosity, dignity and courage protect us to evolve and overcome adversity. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you think? Think with your senses. Notice winds of change.

We are creating Curious#Happenings all over the world in the next 18 months to share how to think with your senses and feel with your mind, to step onto solid ground - outside the box.

Original music, inspiring technology and sensual thinking... Are you ready?

Here's an example of Thinking Outside the Box, driven by Curiosity and Determination:

Turning Plastic into Drinking Water 
Sensual thinking taps in to feelings of purpose. It's a collaboration of the senses, technology and ageless universal values - with the heart. We are thinking with our senses and feeling with our mind.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Music is Magic

Are you longing for personal freedom? Music is a spiritual healer across time, generations and cultures. It doesn't matter how music makes you move; it's important to keep dancing. Why not let music push open your potential?

Music is magic that relaxes stress and puts us in touch with our dreams.  Music refreshes important desires that connect us with those we love. It can be refreshing, relaxing, inspiring, calming or just comforting. Rocking with music is a delicious personal freedom.

The cool thing is the way music connects us on a personal level, without words. It's sexy. When we share music to show our feelings, it's a soul connection. When we use music to make a boring drive go faster, we're thinking with our senses.

Every person is climbing a path of self-development. Use music to unwind your mind.  Music changes the energy, relaxing stress. Listen with your eyes closed and let your body move. Connect with personal delight. Life is challenging. Music is magic.

Tune-in to the rhythm, melody or beat, with a goal of being in the present without dogma or emotional stress. Let the magic work for you.

Nothing is impossible.  Music is the soundtrack of the universe. #carlsagan
Destiny connects with good vibrations.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Nature is the master of change and secrets.
Secrets are like seeds. They are revealed when timing and conditions are ready. This is a time of blooming.  Bloom with style.

Like sparkle inside a ray of sunlight, you are part of  a bigger picture. It's no secret that it's time for changeYou are energy like music and part of nature, like moonlight. Secrets are inside you.

Thrive with change by depending on the multidimensional energy you access with your eyes, mouth, ears, heart, skin and mind. Breathe deeply. Every breath, you inhale is sunlight, starlight and life.

Sensing is using our intuition search engine for good timing. Thinking sensually connects choices with both wisdom and fun. The ease to think differently will astound you.

Being wise is a physical commitment to trusting your gut. Determination is the lucid answer to avoid pitfalls of the matrix. Determination is a bond between mind and heart. 

Like all things worth doing  blooming takes effort. Determination drives inner fuel. It has been said that how things are in the world is a reflection of the accumulated effort of people to follow the good within themselves. Tune-in to you ~

Secret #1 : Wisdom is physical. Effort counts.
While technology revolutionizes sense awareness, tuning us into social and world change, old ideas locked-in hidden secrets inhibit us. Don't be passive. Talking less and sensing more keeps stimulates action. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind. Secrets of change are hidden in plain view.

Secret #2 : Change the way you think and things will change.
Common fears and 'beliefs' are propaganda, mostly commercially or politically generated. In fact, even though there is more 'fear' talked about than ever, gun violence is decreasing in big cities. Truth becomes obvious when we're curious. Be curious. This is a liberating time of uncovering secrets in our lives that are lies. We call it transparency.

.."the biggest problem we have is not security, it is openness and communication."
MAYOR BOB FILNER, of San Diego on the opening of a satellite city office across the U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico.

Transparent thinking comes from from openness we sense when we're in sync with the music in our heart. It's stepping outside of dogma to recognize ideas that feel right. No matter how different politically or personally are, we are a world community. The way to create enduring social change is to do it together. Nature finds balance in diversity and so can we.

Universal intuitive values nurture us with openness and communication to weigh options and trust ourself. Sensing honesty reveals opportunities. It's as important to know what we don't like as it is to know what we do. Determination is passion of the soul. Use it to uncover secrets inside that are your dreams and values. Your power to sense connects with magic.

?Magic or Thinking Differently?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sensual Thinking Bridge

Sensual thinking is a bridge to the future. It's organic access to answers you can trust to refresh your life. The result of noticing what you sense brings automatic advantages of momentum and an ease with changes that are part of life. You become who you are meant to be, without losing touch with who you are. 

Thinking sensually is recognizing and responding with the power of all 6 senses. It is opening your eye as if it's the first time. Noticing what you notice unlocks answers that are in front of your nose. Feeling intuitive values like dignity, curiosity and courage with your mind is a sensual experience that easily exposes new solutions that make sense to your heart and body. Imagine knowing what to do by scent, or understanding love with music, or working more effectively with your eyes closed. Imagine recognizing your sense of truth and having access to courage and dignity 24/7. 

Sensual Thinking is our natural way of communicating with attitude and heart. It's the experience where what you need, connects with what you want.  You grasp the heart connection by feeling universal intuitive values like courage and patience. Responding is effortless.

The philosophy of experience, called Sensual Thinking, is a collaboration of innovation with wisdom. It’s a fresh way of thinking by connecting with the bigger perspective. We're moving across the bridge of time to a Humanitarian age. Because our senses sync with change, this is a natural way to release stress. When the big picture is clear, you feel confidence. Sensual thinking is not a conversation; it’s an experience.

No matter who you are, an open mind is enduring power.  Curious#Happenings are opening access to this new way to think with your senses and feel with your mind. It’s exciting. Connect with your innocence and your passions, be curious.

This short video, created by a 20 year old for a “U@50” contest by AARP, won 2nd place. When they showed it, the audience burst into spontaneous applause. ***This video reads and says the exact opposite backwards as forwards. It’s a great mind bender. Watch the whole thing. It's great!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who's in the mirror?

Transparent is a word that gets thrown around & like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, we put it on and take it off. We're as transparent as we dare to be. And then, when we let go of what's clouding the picture, we're powerful.

The focus is on change - not talk about change. Transparency opens progress in every kind of relationship. First, be transparent with yourself. Look at the person in the mirror.

Take off the invisibility cloak to see dignity in your eyes & determination in the set of your mouth. You were born bold, with purpose & destiny laced into your DNA.  

Listening to stories can be ways we look in the mirror.  Reflections are portals to understanding. Look in the mirror with your heart, mind and eyes.

You have it all when you think with your senses. Music is sound waves that push open your potential. Let yourself feel it.

When you do, the person in the mirror will be a little more transparent.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Be The Change.

Change is a natural fact of living. That doesn't mean we understand it. A lot of what we don't understand, we accept, such as, how people are born or that the ocean is salty, or having a bad night's sleep or getting a broken heart.

We know, at our core, we can control just one thing - our own thoughts. That's why the only way to change things is by changing how we think. We can be the change.

Fighting new ideas puts us back to where we were before the change began. Then, we have to begin again to relearn what has already been learned. This is how devastating cycles happen in our world. It's a drag. We can stop this by evolving with change, that is: evolving our minds and ourselves so that we think differently.

Sensing values guides wise choices. It makes sense to go with change that  takes advantage of technical and social  evolution of our times.  Noticing what we sense refocuses our energy.  

Sensing is transparentThis makes it easy to be relaxed and clear about the bigger picture

Sensual thinking brings insights that drive positive change.  Be the change.

We can either fight change or learn from it. Changes happen because it's natural for us to evolve.  Fighting change, because we're afraid of it, comfortable or satisfied with where we are, is arrogant and ultimately self-defeating.

Change brings new possibilities, new potential and new answers. Think with your senses and trust your heart..  Instead of fighting change, unwind your mind.  Sense purpose and self-respect.

Courage and Dignity keep us true to ourselves. It's liberating and answers come. We're ready to uncover enduring new solutions for old problems.. It's our time.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Power of Choice

Your choices matter. Use courage to drive your thinking.

The freedom to choose is the foundation of all freedoms. Luck and chance pay a huge role in our lives. Keep in touch with these is by connecting with intuition and self-discipline. With an open mind you can see opportunities and protect what you value.

This is a time of endless search engine options. You are part of every possibility. That means, right now, your choices are important. Courage and dignity are organic intuitive values you can feel with your mind. Let these guide your thinking and the results will be powerful and satisfying.

Make the choice to succeed. Sense more talk less. Your senses respond much faster than your mind. Trust your heart. Use courage, dignity and self-respect as a guide. Watch how powerful your choices are. Everyone has the choice to give themselves another chance. Here are some famous people who did:


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Having options.

Stay open to possibilities by using your senses, including common sense.

An open mind is open eyes that stop tunnel vision and bring new options to old problems. If you aren't open to thinking differently, even good intentions can be a waste of time.

Universal values transcend every culture and every generation. If you listen, you learn secrets. Patience is the intuitive way for gaining perspective.  Smart choices call for intuitive prudence reminding us to test options before taking steps.  We inhale the energy. We feel the odds. Patience and prudence are values we feel but don't think. They are sensual thinking, which is the option that frees your mind.

Today, instead of living someone's dogma, we have options. Having options is the choice of an open mind. Universal values like dignity and curiosity keep rewarding option clear.

Sensual thinking prevents confusion and disappointment. Use it to screen input before you make decisions. When you think with your senses and feel with your mind, you're thinking for yourself.

An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along, some people remarked, "What a shame the old man is walking and the boy is riding." The man and boy thought: maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions. 
Later, they passed people who remarked "What a shame. He makes that little boy walk." So they decided they'd both walk! They passed people who remarked, "They're really stupid to walk when they have a decent donkey to ride." So, they both rode the donkey and they passed people who shamed them by saying, "How awful to put such a load on a poor donkey."
The boy and man figured they were probably right, so they decided to carry the donkey.
As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and it fell into the river and drowned.

The moral of the story: Always remember, you have options. If you try to please everyone, you might as well .. kiss your ass goodbye.
Think with your senses. Feel with your mind.
Living is the best game ever. Play it well.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life is rich.

Life has many seasons. Every year we find renewal in the spring.

Spring makes it obvious that Life is rich. 

Feel the change. Your magnificent potential is blossoming. Intuitive mind-body connections that bring anticipation or wonder are good. Live to the fullest. You are more than just a mind and body. You have soul.

Every season is a vitamin boost for all of our senses. Everything changes. Seize moments with your senses.  Fnd answers you need by using dignity, curiosity and courage to filter-out confusion. Listen to your heart. Connect with love you hold inside.

Did you know that when you relax your eyes, you can see into them? 
Look in the mirror into your eyes.  
What do you see?  
You see your truth.   
It's awesome.

Thinking with your senses is relaxing because you sync with your soul. When listening is relaxed, you can hear in technicolor. Simple things become exciting. You sense freedom.  You can sense what you need.

 Music is a powerful sensual connection. Enjoying rhythm, melody and beat is a stress buster. That's why we often close our eyes when listening. Other times, music is a call to action that pumps us with steady momentum.  Feel the music in your life. Respond to it.

Kindness is something a deaf man hears and a blind man sees. #Mark Twain

Don't wear blinders. Take in life with open eye, open ears and it will open your heart.

Love is everywhere. You will be amazed. 

Black eyed peas: Where is Love?

Curious#Happenings are coming.



Monday, April 8, 2013

Defense of Texting

A 'Happening' is a great, big, multimedia party with a theme, where people come to experience the message.
It always involves audience participation in an atmosphere of community, enthusiasm and purpose.

I am so excited to share Sensual Thinking that  steam is coming out of my ears. Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind is living a dynamic, compelling, charged  360° journey. It’s  amazing. We're creating a series of Curious#Happenings to share the experience. I have been writing a book, this blog and building the website share to the word. My usual wired writing mind is tired; so I’m going to rant off of the top of my head:

Proper spelling is hard for me. I’m one of those people who confuses spell check.  I’ve gotten better but still, am most comfortable spelling creatively. Texting suits me. The point is that we text clear emotion-driven and everyday business communication effectively. Texting saves time, keeps channels open and is as detailed as necessary to communicate clearly.  And it's sensual- we do it with our fingers and receive it with our eyes.

Even though I love words, I happily embrace the logic and directness of texting. It’s so efficient and clean. I know it saves me time! That’s the beauty of technology – it shreds outdated social conventions. Time moves faster and we connect more efficiently.

Politeness – while obviously an essential part of human respect – when overdone, is known by other words like bulls-- or sometimes it’s called social 'niceties’. Often, casual conventional communication is a time waster because there is no heart behind it. Our social conventions are so old, they’re corrupt. Human respect needs to drive our social connections. Respect is something we feel, not someone's dogma. Feeling is sensual. This is what’s inspired me to create the Curious#Happenings.

Time is how we measure life. It's critical for success and satisfaction. When you think with your senses and feel with your mind, it’s like getting every green light even when you’re not in a hurry. Technology and sensual thinking filter out stuff that distorts and dulls communication. Sensual thinking is how we grab time with our eyes and hands. It's a new way of time surfing where time expands and we have what we need.

Some people of the Baby Boomer generation feel texting is ending important social conventions. I disagree. No one claims it’s a replacement for conversation, but it’s obviously a powerful tool for effective, efficient communication. Texting overrides decayed conventions to replace them with important human needs like directness, immediacy and comfort. It’s much more cerebral to text than to remember how to spell correctly. 

I’m thankful for technology and I love the excitement and open-ended potential of change. 

Enjoy: What Most Productive People Do in Bed, Fast Company magazine


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Soul Texting

Soul texting is 360° Sensual Thinking. It makes you sparkle.  
When you communicate what you sense with courage and dignity, you're powered by a new dimension of alertness that brings out natural charisma. Soul texting gets results you want. It's the intuitive way to connect.

Sensual thinking connects with good vibrations that create the power to privately move your life forward by staying in touch with the big picture. Choices are in sync with long term priorities and boundaries. Soul texting is fun and keeps things clear.

The truth is a transparent and powerful tool. You can soul text with your eyes, mouth, fingers and body - as long as you're in sync with your intuitive values. Whether you're texting, blogging, talking, eating or dancing with someone, you can think with your senses and feel with your mind for premium connection.  Soul texting feels good.

Music is a portal that relaxes your mind. Listen with your heart and connect with your answers. Track with the rhythms. Be sensual.
#MaherZain- Open Your Eyes

"Open wide the eyes of the heart and nothing is invisible." #TakashiMurakami 
Be spontaneous by noticing what you notice. Stay aware by feeling with your mind. You can feel what's clearly real. When your eyes are open, you can see with your heart. Nothing else matters besides the truth.
