Intuition is the balancing magic of our survival instinct.

We live on a high wire of change and can fall any time. Overload is sending signals to our DNA that we need to adapt. We protect ourselves and find new solutions. We use what we sense to enrich and enhance our life.
Our senses connect us with natural natural soul insights. Our eyes, ears, nose, skin, mouth and heart constantly reconnect with potential and see clues in possibility. It's an amazing fact that everything we sense expands our thinking. We are born with 6 senses. Intuition is the voice of soul that nudges us with strategies that guide understanding, insight and focus.
Soul confidence is our intuitive connection with creative thinking, Sensing comfort, presence and boundaries brings us deep organic relaxation. It's important to unwind and connect. We fine-tune our senses to find clarity, peace and satisfaction.
Courage, curiosity, patience and dignity are strategies that are soul confidence. Soul confidence is intuitive life navigation skills that clarify what is at our fingertips and keeps the big picture important. Unlock your future with freedom. Find strength and protection with confidence. We are born to survive and succeed.
Evolution is opening our minds to be more aware of what we can sense. We sense inner freedoms and responsibilities. Thinking sensually connects with the wonder of life. It is an instinctive upgrade that is infinitely humanizing. We are full of magic of every kind.
Momentum and balance are confidence connections that make life comfortable. The future is as big as the past. It's ours to create.
In 99% of our world, everything is entirely different than it was 50 years ago. Struggles for our planet are new. We have to think outside the box.
Most important in today's world, we communicate without borders. Intuitive strategies blended with innovation make sense for moving forward
Sports are an arena where 'having heart' has always been the key for success. Life is a sport.
People have always had problems. We struggle with success, hunger, illness, environment and human cruelty. Let's learn from the past - not repeat it.
Connect with "heart." Respect the voice of your soul. Win the game.
People have always had problems. We struggle with success, hunger, illness, environment and human cruelty. Let's learn from the past - not repeat it.
Connect with "heart." Respect the voice of your soul. Win the game.
"You Gotta Have Heart" from the 1958 movie Damn Yankees, still says 'it' for us today - but look at how far we've come to be in touch with our whole selves since then! Listen to the lyrics.
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