Sunday, December 28, 2014

Lead a Horse to Water.

"You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make it drink."

This 12th century  proverb means: you can present someone an opportunity but cannot force them to take advantage of it. 

Knowledge, like water, is a refreshing, vitalizing force.

You can lead someone to knowledge, but you cannot make them think. 

Here's an intuitive resolution: Do not doubt your inner sense of truth.  

You are golden. Let yourself shine. Don't worry about what other people say. Respond to what you sense every day with your intuitive inner attitude of courage, curiosity, patience or tenacity.  Notice what you notice. Be in harmony with change and enjoy it. You are sensual.  Sensual thinking gently brings social transformation by changing how we relate to ourselves and each other. Be in the flow of change.

Intuitive values are attitudes that connect with our inner sense of truth. They reveal gut feelings that help you see how things come together. Equally accessible to everyone, intuitive values are the natural foundation of fellowship, harmony and strength in all relationships. Sensing is our intuitive way of understanding and communicating as we enter our new experiences, and the Humanitarian age.
Wisdom, truth and love are like water. These make Life great and bring inner strength that holds life and our world together. Drink them all.
  • To access inborn wisdom, let your mind and body work with what you sense. You make the wisdom of intuitive thinking yours by accepting the hazard of depending on it. Be bold. Notice what your feel under your skin. Trust yourself and tune in with patience, courage and tenacity that feels in tune with your gut. 
    • Think differently and you can master timing. Every day: Rest before moving,  compose your mind before speaking, make relations firm before asking for anything. Or, as my dad would say, "Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in action."
  • To understand truth, trust the unknown. Little children do this all the time. It helps to be young or have humility to recognize the truth. The truth is never a glaring or harsh reality - until we ignore it. The fact is, the picture is usually bigger than we realize.
    • People with all of the answers are often afraid to drink the water of change. You can lead them to it, but they will not drink. Don't worry about these people. They live in the past; you are the future. Lead by example. Those who can see you, will follow.
    • Intuitive truth is something you feel. Every one of us needs daily renewal of awareness of dignity, gratitude, patience, tenacity and foresight in order to thrive. 
      • As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.― Henry David Thoreau
      • In the morning, before getting out of bed, be thankful that you are breathing. Connect with gratitude for living and your life will keep getting better. Live robustly in the preciousness of each moment. Everything changes.
 Love is timeless. Welcome to the Future.
Julio Iglesias - When I need Love

Make a resolution to adapt to the demands of your life by thinking differently every day. Within months you will eat less,  communicate better and be making clearer, wiser choices. : 
  • Think with your senses. Notice what you see, hear, taste, smell and touch before every meal. 
  • Feel with your mind. Be curious, 3 times a day. You can be alone or in mixed company. :) Timing will improve. You will feel more vibrant.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stamp your ticket for change.

The truth has a positive invisible influence on all of us. Everyone feels it. 

Change is constant but not predictable. Notice what you sense. It's liberating and easy to tune-in to the intuitive truth by feeling dignity, courage or curiosity. Every time you do this, you reset your moral compass towards bravery and purpose. Sensing from the heart automatically stamps our ticket for change.

Ride with change by staying in touch with your constantly adapting inner nobility.  When you think for yourself by using your sensestime slows down and you see things differently. An open mind is the ticket to sensing opportunity. Every day we create our future.

Tap-in to integrity by sensing your own dignity and truth. Character is common sense that protects our soul. Your courage, dignity, curiosity, tenacity and curiosity are the ticket to happiness and success.

Recognize and sense honesty with your mind. 

Notice what you see, hear, taste, touch, think and feel to stay clear about what's real. Make the choice to sense what matters and what is real to establish a foundation for change. Start with yourself and the world will follow.

  •  Morals are intuitive strategies that regulate and organize communication for clarity and transparency. Without a moral foundation, there is confusion, isolation, violence and fear.
  • Values that are intuitive, clearly connect with our inner innocence and passions. They 'feel' real. Whether you're 4 or 40 years old, you can feel what's rightTransparent attitudes of courage, patience. self-respect, dignity, tenacity and curiosity are easy to recognize in ourselves and each other.  Notice why you like someone and you will sense what they value.
  • Intuitive thinking is the foundation of powerful change. it feels like purpose or destiny and becomes love, unity, laughter, and light. Choose to be a sensual thinker.

Be in-tune with your beautiful heart

Sensing dignity filters out stress. Intuitive values  – like curiosity, courage, determination and patience are strategies that re-affirm integrity. Trusting values makes it easy to see there can be justice in our world.  It's up to us to end cycles of violence and corruption by rejecting what is wrong or fake - by staying real
Intuitive attitudes, like self-respect, courage, dignity, tenacity, and curiosity, are our power of healthy discrimination. Notice what you sense to be in-tune with what matters and sense your place in the bigger picture. Sensual thinking is our natural reality-check in sync with change. 
  • When you connect with the light of truth, it stamps your ticket. You move ahead on solid ground. The future is ours to create.
Think with your senses; feel with your mind. Love life. 
Stamp your ticket for change.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Under Your Skin

What's under your skin?
Attitude and character are right under our skin. That's why, when something gets under your skin, you're not supposed to ignore it. What you feel is your unique inner voice. It's the DNA-ordained connection with your heart and conscience that vibrates with the energy of your moments.

What's under our skin is powerful and relentless. Imagine how much of who you are is just under your skin. The next time something or someone is under your skin, do something about it.
  • Notice what you notice.
  • Have an attitude that puts your action in sync with your values.
  • Sensual thinking let's what's under your skin free. Freedom matters.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. #Confucius

Responding to what you sense is how to have self-respect. Feeling dignity, justice and compassion with your mind is intuitive thinking. Sensing automatically tunes to what's under our skin. Intuitive thinking arouses you the way delicious tastes and kindness feels.  You literally can taste life.

Just like what we feel under your skin keeps us present, sensing confirms who we are. It is as articulate as music, as enticing as the scent of a favorite food and as warming as the sight of the rising sun after an amazing night. Sensual thinking keeps you feeling 'right'.

Sensual syncing is joyous. It's the simplicity of what we sense, honesty we feel and the anchor of  experience to expertly guide choices with long term benefits. Sensual thining is how you become who you are meant to be, without losing touch with who you are.  Sensual thinking tunes to an inner voice or purpose and liberates and pampers what's under your skin.

Responding to what's under your skin keeps you synced with momentum and opportunities. Tuning in to what you sense under your skin resets the way your whole body feels - including your head. Sensing lets what’s under your skin free. Intuition is sensual thinking that breaks through barriers of habit and fear.

Intuition is sensual, but not muscular. It's sexy, but not sexual. It's clearly right under your skin. Like a ripple of sunlight that just barely touches your lips or awareness of attitude and authenticity, your spirit, is the voice of soul thats always just under your skin.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Power of Innocence

Innocence speaks the language of the naked truth.  

It is our connection with courage and change.  

Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an environmental activist who gave this speech at the UN Earth Summit of 1992, when she was only 12 years old.  Listen to it. Feel the passion of innocence.  

Because innocence is hard-wired to what feels like truth, it drives our passions. The truth renews us. Passion is personal. Passion and truth power us to meet challenges of communicating and change.

Innocence is awareness tuned to intuition that keeps in touch with the present. Today, we are resetting the moral compass. Things are changing. Social transformation is a reflection of the way we treat ourselves, each other and our planet

Innocence we are born with keeps us reminds us who we are. It has the power to keep us true to our hearts where natural passion drives change. We can thrive and unfold in harmony with the times. By sensing our own innocence, we stay aware of the bigger picture. Everyone is part of the big picture. 

Think with your senses to notice what's happening. Feel with your mind to notice  what makes sense. Stay in step with change. Stay in step with Now.

Everyone has a private, inner free zone, an intuitive channel to courage and passion. Every person is born with a dream. Stay in touch with yours. Never give up. 

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. ~ Darwin
Innocence flames your passions. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind. Be free. The inner power of innocence constantly resets your drive to thrive.  Innocence embraces change.
C - is creative, challenging and constant. We are all part of it.
H - happens naturally without our permission. Being part of it unites us.
A - is adapting and action, just as breathing and loving are part of adapting and living.
N - brings new answers, opportunities and solutions through the innocent creativity of an open mind.
E -is everywhere, every day for everyone.

F.Scott Fitzgerald wrote, “I don’t want to repeat my innocence, I want the pleasure of losing it again.” 



Book: Fine Tuning Sensual Thinking

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


 Simple is what we sense.

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius

Simple stuff to consider: You can see things more clearly, taste more to eat less, touch to renew your spirit, smell and be amazed, and hear humor, music, love and connection. Your senses keep life simple by keeping you in sync with change.

When you notice what you notice, your senses reveal opportunities and passions.  Respond with an open mind to what you notice. Keep it simple. Often we complicate relationships with a knee-jerk response that resists what we notice.
To keep things simple, trust what feels deeply right. For example, we may sense that something needs to change, but rarely consider it's us. Be honest with yourself. No one is perfect. Notice and trust your gut feeling. Personal courage is directly linked with patience and passion. Use it to keep things simple.  

I recently gave a talk about how to beat writer's block, and a participant commented, "You make it all so simple." Yes, it is simple. We make things complicated by ignoring our own dignity.  

Noticing what you notice makes it easy to get out of your own way. Just like writers hit blocks, there are roadblocks in every life. Fighting change is how we lose touch with momentum and good timing. 
Instead use sensual thinking to read the signs.
Things that are supposed to stay with us do, and the stuff that's over, doesn't. Everything happens as a response to change that is already part of the stream of living. Notice what you sense. Stay in the flow of your life and steer it with dignity and courage. 

Newton said, 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. This means when you fight change, it gets complicated, and when you go with it, you discover new options and the sensual power of momentum to achieve your dreams

Trust that what feels honorable and right, is. Keep it simple.

Change in your life is not an option; harmony is. 

 Elton John - Harmony

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mental Bondage

Feel what you notice with your heart/body/soul/mind. 


Sensing what feels good is intuitive drive for personal freedom. In our busy lives, old ways of thinking make us prisoners to an invisible matrix of ideas where we feel stuck or not sure about what's wrong. It's mental bondage. The worst kind of bondage is when there's a 'nudge', but we don't realize we're enslaved.

The 'nudge' means, it's time to reconnect with your potential. Pause for a minute to see, taste, touch, feel and remember you have a heart, body and soul. Slowing down to really connect with the big picture of your life saves time by freeing you from feeling stuck.

Sometimes I get so busy, I don't realize that I'm doing things the way I've always done them, and that's why the results are the same. LOL The matrix is not a cool place. Freedom means accessing leverage, momentum and new choices. To notice what's new, think outside the box.

Energy you sense automatically  syncs with change and drives you to master personal freedom. Use it to tune in to who you are and your real needs. Be multidimensial.  Think with your senses and feel with your mind. Take the most advantage of this time in your life.

 Intuitive Ways to overcome being stuck in a cycle of mental-bondage:

  • Collaborate with others and the interwebs to find answers. Keep an open mind.
  • Stay outside the box of the expected by noticing what you sense to tune to what's real. 
  • Keep communication transparent with intuitive filters of dignity, courage, patience and tenacity. Don't settle.
  • Connect your inner passion with your mind by being curious. Use determination to stay connected with natural momentum. Breathe.
  • Never sacrifice sincerity. Stay in tune with your sense of truth. Be kind
Follow hunches. = $$$
  • Don't focus on the past unless that is where you want to be. Look forward, and that is where you will go.
  • Throw off inner emotional bullies. Dwelling on problems leads to emotional lockdown which is mental bondage. Use determination and the idea of possibility to stay aware of what's really happening in the present. Be part of change.
  • People who are negative all the time are toxic. Be sympathetic but keep moving. Life is always changing. Good and bad will balance when you keep moving. 
  • Say no when a proposed new commitment won’t work for you. Be true to yourself to avoid burnout and depression. 

Honor your sense of purpose and give space for your personal needs.You were born to be amazing.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Three Ways of Patience

Have attitude like Gandhi. Live your dream like MLK. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind.  

Sensing what you value is how to think different. It's good judgment.

"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with the disciplined non-conformists who are dedicated to Justice, Peace and Brotherhood" ~ Martin Luther King Jr. 

Patience is never an option. 

It's always a reality check.

The opposite of patience is frustration. Frustration is a rut. Being impatient is being in a rut. 

The impact on life is just like procrastination. Both are ways of being out of step with good timing and good luck. 

Everybody needs good luck.

Patience is the only way to live your dream.

Three Ways of Patience

With Yourself
  • Patience with yourself is personal loyalty.  It's respect - the foundation of every worthwhile relationship.
    • Being impatient with yourself is always self-defeating. 
    • Worse, when you are not patient with yourself, social relationships don’t last. 
    • People who are impatient with themselves make narrow-minded choices in social situations that  appear to be selfish or arrogant, and alienate others. That's why 'things' don't work out.
    • Find patience for your heart and mind. If you don't give it to yourself, nobody will.
With Timing
  • Patience with timing is a sign of confidence in choices and faith in goals. Sure, it’s a disappointment and a drag to not have an answer, a meeting or a trip when you want it. Reality is: we all march to our own beat and we're not always in step with others. Sometimes this means waiting.
    • The surprise of extra time gives you space to prepare the response for an unwanted answer. Time always catches up with us.
    • Extra time means you can have unexpected insights to fine-tune content for the meeting. 
    • Postponing a trip puts you somewhere else you need to be. 
    • If you are perfect, LOL, then the time of ‘waiting’ will reveal an opportunity or responsibility you need to address or reposition before your answer, meeting or trip. 
    • When you are patient with delays, you will find something new that helps you succeed. Time brings opportunity.
With others
  • Patience with others has its priorities. These include dignity, self-respect and compassion. People who do this well are our heroes, like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. These patient fighters used patience as personal power. So can you.
    •  This is not about what you do; it's about how you do it.
    •  Patience with others means acknowledging differences. No and yes are equally important for staying in tune with patience and your goals.
    • It is not ‘turning the other cheek” while someone hits you. You can be angry and be dignified.
    • If someone pushes your buttons and is disrespectful, sometimes it's best to just say, good-bye. The only person you can change is yourself. Stand tall, talk softly and use eye contact to make your point
'Life is like an elevator. On your way up, sometimes you have to stop and let some people off.' ~ anon 
Patience is an intuitive reality check. Experience reality. Be a sensual thinker. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Compassion and Relationship

Compassion is intuitive connection that nourishes relationships the way oxygen fuels fire. 

Sensual thinking is personal power that enhances natural connections.

In romantic relationships, compassion keeps it ‘hot' by tuning-in to what you sense. Compassion feels like respect. It's the unspoken, constant connection in successful relationships. Every good relationship is fueled by attitudes of enthusiasm, passion, curiosity and mutual purpose.

Compassion can be as simple as listening when someone speaks. It is thinking with your senses. When you sense effort and acknowledge it, the relationship opens. When you sense greed or resentment, you protect yourself by closing or limiting the connection.

Relationships and compassion are both collaborative. For success, we don't have to be the same; we just have to work together. Power connections are transparent, clear, kind and focused. Good relationships share passion and values.  
Intuitive global values reveal truths and lies that words cover. These sensual, transparent screens are filters for making smart connections and protecting yourself. To have relationships you value, use intuitive attitudes to sensually sync with compassion.

Most connections keep us happy. Finding connections is a combination of luck and hard work. Keeping them depends on sensual thinking.

Stay in sync with self-respect by checking in with your heart, mind and common sense before talking. Connect with your inner power to stay in-tune with purpose. Use your senses to sync with the moment, and filter with intuitive values to connect with the relationship you deserve. Compassion is a connection in the moment. Sometimes it's heartfelt eye contact.
Making good connections is not about how smart you are. It's about being receptive to what you sense. Fine-tune your senses and your timing by being true to yourself. Learn to recognize your attitudes of patience, dignity and curiosity

Connect with character. Learn to use your power.

When you think with your senses you notice issues of daily living slide into the groove of your highest potential. Tune-in to compassion with intuitive filters of curiosity, dignity, patience and courage, for direct access to connections that bring inspiration and unexpected solutions for successful relationships.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hit With Attitude

Do you ever get hit with attitude? 

 Attitude is the way you text your personality.   

It is shorthand communication for your personal energy.

Attitudes create boundaries that are safety zones, seduction zones or war zones. Because we are physical beings, everything we sense is physical. We get hit with attitude all the time. 

We sense attitude in every conversation. 
Instead of talking about it, attitude reveals exactly what’s going on. We give and receive it automatically. Energy comes as attitude through our eyes, our tone and body language. Without words, we make a statement. 

Everyone uses attitude. 

Without exception, it's how we communicate exactly who we are and what we feel. It can be person, obnoxious, petty or endearing. Attitudes are not always beautiful but they are genuine. Importantly, when we get hit with attitude, we know where we stand.

While it’s easy to notice what's going on physically with your 5 senses, in fact, clearest communication is intuitive. It’s intuitive to feel with our minds. The intuitive sense connects with the survival instinct. Through the 6th sense we ‘get’ what's happening as attitude or notice a ‘head’s up’.

Often, attitude reveals someone is lying or they don’t respect your ideas.  Other times, attitude reveals kindness, determination or suspicion. Communicating with attitude is sensual syncing

Words have limits. 

That's why we have love songs and dinners by candlelight. It's also why we may be misunderstood, not clear about what we're told or not connecting the way we want. Our senses are our points of clarity. Notice what you notice.

The next time you need to be understood, talk less and sense more. Respond to what matters deeply by maintaining an attitude of curiosity to keep an open mind and dignity to maintain self-respect. Peoplel 'get' your attitude. 

Intuitive values are strategies that clarity attitudes and protect what matters. Intuitive attitudes like courage, dignity and curiousity equally understood and recognized across every culture and age. When there is injustice, hit it with an attitude of self-respect, and honorable perspective. Your energy speaks.

Sensing is a language of attitude that spans the globe like the Internet. Sensual thinking is clarity about shared values that is the foundation for universal communication. It's a rewarding attitude. Use it to work together to bring new solutions to old problems in your life and our world. 

Art title: RETURN TO INNOCENCE, 2011
·          Size: 102 x 152 x 4 cm, mixed media on canvas
·          Courtesy Herwig Maria Stark
