Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Edge

People are beautiful. Our birthright is to know truth, recognize the thrill of purpose, and have all the magic of love. Passion for these takes us to the edge. The edge is sharp and sparkles, and shifts with time. Navigating is intuitive.
art by Harold Balazs
Whether it cuts or excites, the edge is your reality. Think on your feet by noticing what you sense. That’s the foundation to build on to have peace of mind. 

Reality is tough-love. Take action that serves your spirit by keeping your eyes open and your mind alert. Trust your heart. Love is everywhere.

Some things are good to do, because they are good to do. Taste your food, be grateful, make eye-contact and tune to what feels right. The music of time is always playing.

Automatically, everything you sense holds your heart close to the edge. The intangible leap of faith called passion keeps us safe. 

Tune to your finest assets. Take chances, fall in love, get confused, and wake up grateful. The voice of your heart leads to purpose.

Every day it’s intuitive to text faster and search more. Technology trains us to be sensual and intuitive. Softly tapping your phone is where you find satisfaction, or you relax, reconnecting with the edge while playing a game or listening to music. Your intuitive mind is smart. It's always focused on your edge. Listen for the penetrating melody of love. Trust your gut.

When the edge is in focus, it’s easy to navigate change. You sense when what's happening – is not right or not enough. Use your mind to feel curious and uncover what’s bogus. The edge always shifts. Answers are not predictable. That’s the truth. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” #PauloCoehlo  

Even when the edge is sharp, dance. It’s worth the effort. Intuition is easy. You will be surprised by your strength. You are beautiful. Life is full of purpose. Demands and rhythms are melodies of empathy, timing, and intimacy that guide us to taste all the flavors of love. 

Insights we sense are an endless supply of clean energy to transcend negativity and push toward truth, purpose or love. You are born to bloom. Face the sun and follow your dreams. 

Today is the edge. Walk with time wisely. Don’t let what’s complicated or demanding, drown the voice of your heart. Check-in to reality. It’s everywhere. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Winter's Spiritual Revolution*


Change is a heart/mind/body affair. Winter wind and cold spark change. Cold winds sharpen soul awareness that connects dignity with destinyWe can't ignore it.  

A spiritual (r)evolution is rolling across the world. Everyone is caught in rhythms of change. Sensing values and dreams gently and firmly is our intuitive re-focus. We're experiencing a head's-up and sensing rhythms of change.

Embrace the season. Darkness and cold build stamina we need to survive. In winter the light keeps shifting. Nature gives us cues.  Notice what you sense to navigate change. Answers are everywhere. 

 Reflection is the miracle fuel of passion and the gear shift of action.  Use the long nights to refresh focus on what deeply matters. Yearnings and desire are the sensual nudge of soul. There is nothing sedentary about winter. 


Winter demands patience and presence. There's really no choice. Snowflakes tag us to look up, to sense wonder, and notice the quiet joy and power of life.  We see our breath float in the air. With a renewed self-respect, we remember who we are. It's common sense. Today is a good day to sense magic and miracles

Inner confidence grows during the short days. In winter’s gentle light, music of inner harmony never skips a beat. Light a candle. Let it snow. Blizzards bring blankets of endurance where we re-discover indispensable intuitive hungers and the drive for the warmth of justice, freedom, and love

Cold winds demand character. Nature relentlessly teaches. We learn about ourselves, our world, and each other. Alive inside the action of winter's embrace, we lean hard toward what’s warm. Winter brings transformation


Beat the oddsDance with the beat of your heart. Stamina builds passions and understanding.  Endurance evolves lifting us to celestial heights of imagining. Always, Life is free-fall. Like snowflakes, we float and swirl.

Changing rhythms of day and night reincarnate life. The inner nudge of soul wakes memories that renew connections with self-respect and dreams. Rhythms and timing signal warm confidence returning.

Meet with old friends. Find new ways to be creative. Your intuitive presence tunes to the gift of life to recharge heart, body and spirit.

As energy of change wraps like a satin ribbon around the world, talk about history, heroes and forgiving. Connect with universal needs like kindness,  hunger and family.

Velvet black skies are cozy blankets of hope and dreams. Enter the moment. Push to limits of courage. Recharge natural dignityBe your finest. Spring is coming.   
#janebernard   *reprint from 2/2016 

Candle In The Wind, Elton John

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Yellow Brick Road

A Time Like No Other

Liberty Street,  NYC
Life along the yellow brick road we dance without a map navigating between right and wrong. Without being asked, courage shows up, graceful like a knight or a princess, in shining armor.  We feel it like a friend.

We sense courage from the heart. Sensuality is enchanting. Curiosity is a noble passion and courage is pure sole-dignity. You have it all. 

Like a crystal in the moonlight, there's a glow  of change that's everywhere. Like a love affair that's over, pollitics has lost its' luster.  Pull back the curtain. 

Politics, like a sleight of hand, draws attention away from what really matters. Pull back the curtain and see what real. 

Today's needs are about humanity


Touch life like an angel. 

Moral courage lives in every heart. These are wild times. There is a new dynamic. Everything and everyone is getting rebalanced. Courage feels like passion. Mostly passion is soulTrust your soul. Courage is dignity that only exists in the moment. Let yourself feel it.

Across time people have wondered, who am I,  “I am that I am,” the voice answered. Listen deeply to your heart, body and soul. Life is amazing. You have the spark of courage. It is a firm and gentle touch.

Self-respect keeps happiness in focus. 

It’s natural to crave freedom, kindness and love. Intuition is life-saving common sense. Courage is in our blood with attitude and passion. It is simple self-respect. Feel the flame. This election is about humanity. It’s about you.

Inescapable truths are not always pleasant. Knowing the truth gives you the choice to be courageous. The flame inside your heart is alive. It will always keep you warm.  Don't take anything for granted because you won't have it tomorrow. 

The social foundation of life is changing. Heart, attitude and action will determine the future. The beating of your heart is real. Let yourself grow. Breathe deeply and love the earth because this is your time. 

Change means everyone gets another chance. You know what you sense. Timing, doors, love, insanity. It's all happening. Notice invisible connections that sooth. Be kind. Follow what is humane. The beautiful thing about courage is that it's contagious. 

Be ambitious. 

Struggle builds energy and passion. Be patient with yourself. You are strong. Things that are natural are not always easy. Ambition guided with passion and dignity is self-respect. Be that brave and life takes a nice spin. 

Sensual focus is the greatest partner. Whether you are male, female or trans, courage is the irrevocable spurt of Life's elixir. Everything happens as it should. Patience requires a sense of humor and it makes space for focus. Sometimes the man behind the curtain is a fraud. 

We live through a maze of irony at the whim of time, space and luck. The important thing we have in common is our ability to work together for the common good. Choice determines destiny. Inner courage is insight that carries the advantage.

Choose love.

Love fans twin flames of connection and compassion. Dignity is power. Along the path of transformation, the road is lit. Sensing turns apathy to empathy. Keep your eyes, ears, mind and spirit tuned to courage. Thriving is the skill of navigation. You can move with time. The light you seek is always present. Kiss it on the lips.


Sunday, September 30, 2018


Life keeps movingFeel the bounce. You are born to make history. 

Sense options that uplift - like beauty and love. You are lucky to be alive Courage appears unexpectedly when you need it. You don't have to think about it.

Each bounce is fresh, another chance, another option, a different affirmation, a new taste of love, a new taste of reality. The delight of laughter or an unexpected touch of insight makes the day feel more alive. 

Trust intuition to honor your beautiful  spiritDon't forget who you are. Stay in touch with voices of your body, heart and soul. Notice where you're going. 

Be brave. The bounce is not predictable. Courage is not always rational, but neither is life. Your potential is amazing. Be passionate. The future is yours to create.

Self-esteem is power.

An intuitive nudge is the bounce of self-esteem. Intuitive tools like curiosity and dignity filter emotions to sense your grounding power of common sense. There is no agenda. Passion is bounce –  a spark, gut feeling, nudge, instinct, heat. 

Intuition is dignity and curiosity that reformats emotions of desireYou bounce with clear energy – like  a kiss or good news – and then surprise yourself by doing more than ever imagined. There is a certain private boldness, a passionate courage inside you.

Passions open the stream of change inside ourselves. Intuitive energy comes to break down outdated mind patterns. Passion is the tick, the pang, the rush that inspires and lifts. In a high cycle of bounce, what you think is in rhythm with what you sense. There’s good timing, direction and purpose. Suddenly everything makes a difference. 

Things come together.

Intuitive energy is an open portal – a free zone where time, desire and reality collide. A gut feeling is a cellular union of mouth, nose, ears, eyes, heart, mind and soul that builds buzzBouncing between the past and present peels away resistance to change. Love enters the picture and is so natural you don’t always recognize it. but, nothing gets inside your soul that you do not invite with love.  

Thinking with six senses coordinates what we see,  know and feel to spontaneously celebrate, inform and calculate the moment. Excitement, enthusiasm and smart choices happen. The steady bounce of active compassion is a pleasing unspoken sense of partnership. It can be with your heart or with a total stranger.   


The great thing about love is that we have an endless supply of it inside us. Even when it's not returned,  loving freely is bounce that opens all kinds of magic and miracles. When we bounce blindly between understanding and confusion, between now and later, between soul and temptation the bounce forces us to peak and focus. Always, the answer is love. With eyes, ears and mind suddenly open we find direction, purpose and passion. It's the point of 'common sense'. 

Gentle passion in the moment is instinctive awareness. It's potential you may not see in yourself. A high bounce is how you sense it’s there. As long as you live, you are bouncing. Dance with the beat of your heart.

Photo by Mikes Photos from Pexels

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Time 4 Change?

Are you getting a nudge that you need change? Stealth pressure for change – like boredom or stress – is intuition driving you to break out of a rut. They call it "woman's intuition" but everybody has it.

The feminine inside us is peaceful, persuasive sensuality. It's the source of self-control and confidence. Our feminine mind stays tuned to transitions that bring ecstasy. 

Everyone has private passions. 

Intuitive radar is sensual focus – spontaneously seeing and feeling.

Sensuality is effortless energy that is the magic bullet of soul. It's passion that focuses the need for change. Even when we ignore it, passion drives us. 

Women and men equally radiate an earthy blend of sex and sensuality. The feminine inside us uses that energy to sense power choices to make life smoother. Intuition is a consistent problem solver. 

Emotional energy fires our thinking demanding attention. Everyone uses the gentle power of sensual thinking to ground and focus passions, and to sense potential. Intuition drives smart choices..

In the past people said, "It's a man's world." In that world a traditionally aggressive male style was admired. That has changed. Since the 60's we've been talking about the power of love. Loving uses both sides of our brain to stay synced with emotion, mind, body and spirit. Love changes everything. 

The intuitive drive to reach for dreams, find love and know happiness is tuned to change. It's whole mind thinking. Intuition focuses what you know from experience with what you feel in your heart to fully sense the present. Everyone has intuition.   

Everyone is intuitive.

Intuitive thinking is cellular multi-tasking. Women generally exceed men doing this. The male mind is known for its laser focus. The female mind is known for its stealth sensory insights. Put them together and that's you. The masculine and the feminine are inside all of us.

Self-control leads to healthy change. 

I heard Tony Robbin's talk about training the mind for confidence. He talked about shouting and using abrupt physical movements associated with the words to program the brain. The fact is whispering is as effective as shouting and it takes the same amount of self-control

Abrupt movements are rough, like a bull in a china shop. They are also rigid. Gentle movements, like tapping your forehead, or taking several long deep in and out breaths speak clearly to the reasoning side of your brain. You don’t need to be rough to be smart. Often success means being flexible in how you think. 

Train your mind to be a stronger wiser more heroic version of yourself both physically and spiritually. Be unrecognizable. Sensual thinking is tuning into the feminine mind you are born with. Just like woman often use their male mind, men can access intuition to use stealthy ways to create change.

Change is how we learn who we are. 

The human skill of reinvention is the art of survival. You are magic. Follow change that makes your spirit strong. Be free. When you sense a 'drain', it's smart to go the opposite way. Go with laughter, kindness, justice and love. Merge with companions and be a guardian of truth.   #janebernard

beach by Tobias

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Stay Satisfied

photo by Giuseppe Bovo
Intuition is wonderful inborn vitality driving us to sync with change. Changing with time and circumstances is our human skill of reinvention.  Use it to overcome apathy, inertia, stress and anxiety. Don't be boxed in. Intuitively you know how to get satisfaction. 

Personal satisfaction requires personal determination. To stay satisfied be bold. See things from another perspective, hear ideas through a different mind-set or take a calculated chance. Balance boldness with heart.

Satisfaction is a soul connection. Tune to heart to sense purpose and drive. Your heart is a magnificent place of passion and a powerhouse of dignity

Satisfaction is important for peace of mind. Tuning into your senses boosts energy that drives determination. Life is saturated with the unexpected and the impossible. Intuition is the comfort zone of inner power. Trust your gut.

Dissatisfaction opens your eyes and tugs at your heart to bring you to your senses. 
There is a reason for everything. Sensing builds decisive energy– like passion and determinationYour mind searches for meaning. Curiosity and dignity intuitively cue it to be decisiveYou adapt to stay satisfied.  It's beautiful.

Whatever is wrong today is the result of old patterns created by old choices. Intuition is the insight that redefines experience. Use intuitive strategies like dignity, foresight and curiosity to access mental clarity and bring a comforting high of satisfaction. 
 Intuitive satisfaction brings good timing and smart choice. 

 Our lives are the total sum of choices we have made. #WayneDyer  

Sensual thinking reveals opportunities. Courage, foresight and dignity are intuitive energy you channel to sense direction, safety and purpose With these tools,  your mind naturally relaxes and satisfaction happens. Sensing reveals vital connections like good timing, good health and love. 

Responding intuitively to personalities, responsibilities and priorities is enormously satisfying. Time expands and opportunities appear because satisfaction opens doors to what's coming. Sensual thinking is satisfying because you recognize cause and effect and understand connections. Life is smoother.

Change rooms in your mind for a day. Imagine using energy like forgiveness, dignity, courage and curiosity as practical forms of communication.  Anxiety would fly out the window. 
Anxiety is usually the result of trying to do today's jobs with yesterday's tools –
and yesterday's thinking. #McLuhan. 

Self-respect and compassion will intuitively power focus mental energy to fight inertia. You can use these intuitive strategies to overcome stress or boredom. Focus on being grateful. Gratitude is an amazing intuitive instinct that boosts reasoning skills so it's easy to do what's right. Aren't you ready for long-term satisfaction

To stay satisfied, be curious. Test to see if a choice feels dignified. Your mind is the key and guardian of heart. Be decisive and take action. Satisfaction tunes to soul. Don't settle for less. 


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Say The Word

*The word is ‘love’. 
Love is a power word. Saying 'love' brings energy and meaning to Life. Love is the bridge over troubled waters and the light in your eyes. Turn it on. 

Whenever you feel afraid or uncertain, be loyal to yourself and say ‘the word’. You will find it surprisingly light and sweet. 

Every day you create your life. Consider and use the power of love while you're doing it. Just saying “love” quietly ignites personal loyalty tuned to your vital heart, mind, body and soul. It feels awesome

Love has many names. Everybody wants love. Say it your way. Words carry energy. Say 'the word'. It will gently drive your mental energy impacting results you get all day long. Happiness is found in the moment. 

Loyalty like love is passionate. It's a feeling of integrity. Integrity is personal. At the center of self-respect and dignity is personal loyalty. You deserve it.  Personal passion is a mouth-watering shimmering truth. You can almost taste it. 

Passion makes everything possible. Never forfeit being loyal to yourself. Choose to honor your health and trust your heart. Say ‘the word’ to yourself before you eat. Loving yourself with dignity keeps your heart and mind tuned to your priorities.  

No one else is you. Personal loyalty is in a class of its own. Respect your soul. It’s the golden handrail to happiness. Time shows that everything you say and do matters. Be deeply loyal to what you believe and what you value, and you can do anything.

Loyalty to values is our connection with courage. Courage is intuitive energy to think differently and organize a definite plan of action. Loyalty, like love, leads to understanding, satisfaction and private passions. It's the ticket to peace of mind.

Being loyal to what you sense is right, intensifies private passions. Loyalty and love power awareness, confidence, determination and purpose. Feel the power. The world is better when we’re loyal to ourselves.

Say 'the word' before you go to sleep and you wake up stronger. Sense love. Say ‘the word’ to yourself before speaking and words that come out of your mouth will be kind. 

There are as many people with heart as there are robotic humans. People who love and feel loyalty find each other. We are drawn to love. Still, it's always a bit of a jolt to think you have a friend and discover a wall of concrete. 

Loyalty to your heart is the powerful shield of love. Say ‘the word’ to yourself and you can bounce back. Love heals. You will connect with peace that is suddenly vibrant. You will reconnect with love.

It's powerful loyalty and wisdom to remind yourself to say the word ‘love’This habit will serve you well. Life is brief, but love you share and love you spread, never dies.  #janebernard

*Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels

Monday, May 28, 2018

No Permission Required

Innovations and unexpected change are whiplash rewiring our brains.  We have different options than ever before. No one controls your mind but you. That's power. It's yours. You do not need permission to think for yourself. 
Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya from Pexels

Every day, as your body and mind go through changes, your heart and soul stay tuned to deeper values that are intuitive. You can feel it. No permission is needed to speak the truth.

Everything you sense connects with energy. Energy is not always rational but it’s real. No permission is required to be courageous.  

Stretch your arms and legs. Turn your head slowly all the way to the right, then slowly, all the way to the left. The way you stretch your body is the way you stretch your mind. With a gentle focus on what you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, life expands. Free your mind from chains of input and regain your elastic sense of wonder. No permission is required to visit the unknown.

Wonder is intuitive magic that fans the flame in your heart. The sun is a ball of fire. What heat sparked that blaze? Imagine the passion! Everyone has private passions. You are fabulous. 

Sensing what matters opens the way between mental clutter and perfect timing. It’s instant perspective where things come together. Intuitive insights drive wise decisions so that good choices are active compassion. When your mind is clear, it’s obvious that honoring your spirit is common sense. Yes, you have it. Be extraordinary. No permission required.

Intuitive radar is your effortless tool to sense priorities and magic, often with a gentle nudge or an ‘aha’. Ignoring your intuition is like ignoring a red light, the sound of crying or the look of Love. You don’t need to wait for the nod of others to trust what you sense. You don’t need permission to feel what mattersYou don't need permission to love yourself. 

Life is ticklish beyond words and we are supposed to feel the touch. Every unique heart beats sacred rhythms of movement, connection, longing and joy. Light, sound, electricity and excitement flow through you. You inhale, swallow and digest energy to update the hard drive of your mind. Living is multidimensional morphing with endless possibilities.

Vital connections are exciting. Sensing with your mind signals that the universe has given you power to follow your heart. No permission is required to be original. 

Be fabulous. It's the privilege of a lifetime to become who you truly are. #CarlJung #JaneBernard