Monday, December 2, 2019


People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. #MayaAngelo

You are never invisible.

Actions you choose – even simple ones like recycling, smoking or being polite – are meaningful and will continue to impact people you will never know. You are unique. 

No one is more significant than you in creating and protecting your life. Your heart bears witness, keeping tally even while you sleep.

Everyone is here for a reason. Feel your soul. Trust your gut to track with answers that bring satisfaction. Every choice you make matters. Freedom matters

Invisible connections we sense like love, courage, integrity and faith are intuitive lifelines to real joy.  Destiny is a commitment from the heart. Who you are now is not who you will be when you reach your goals.  

Be honest with yourself and loyal to your heart. Your invisible spirit is vibrant and present. Be passionate about self-respect. Speak up.

What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. 

Stay clear about what's real. Energy is invisible, but we feel it. Don't be foiled by corruption in the government and media. Reject emotional manipulation and blatant dishonesty. Don't be isolated by the official picture of behavior and reality. The most dangerous prisons are those with invisible bars. #tariqramadan 

The energy struggle between good and evil is as old as time. You can think for yourself.

Life is not designed to be easy. We are born to scale invisible challenges. No matter what we do, there is always someone who senses our energy, so lead by example. Integrity and dignity are intuitive strategies that build peace of mind. Commit to the future you want and work for it. 

The cosmic is invisible. 

To feel invisible strength, respect your heart. What defines us is how we rise after falling. Choose to be your highest potential. Sense justice. Your powers of integrity and inner dignity are beautiful. Your heart sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. #helenkeller

Your voice matters.

It doesn't matter how old you are, where you live, what you look like or how much money you have. Your experience matters. Your observations matter. The invisible voice of your heart matters. Speak with courage and dignity. When you sense the invisible, you can achieve the impossible. Share your dream. Work together because nobody accomplishes anything alone.

Destiny pulls us. 

Sense with your mind to notice progress. Become who you are meant to be without losing touch with the invisible essence of who you are. Be cautious and curious. Be determined, patient and dignified. Pace yourself by sensing priorities and strategies. Choose invisible and visible options that are uplifting and also protective. Be accountable by making healthy choices. 

Choices driven with integrity and powered by purpose bring satisfaction. Being humane and appreciating the moment is common sense. Kindness, dignity and courage are contagious. Be passionate and gentle.  Lead with soul. Everything's going to be okay.
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