Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Life does not look back.

“When we least expect it, life sets a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. .” ― Paulo Coelho

We are the transition. We are the music, the energy and the starlight. We are Life. Our rhythms are desire steering fate. Our melody is character driving change. 

Active-compassion is the enduring flame of  living. It is our wordless way of sharing values. Notice what you sense. Fire must be fed.

We consume, embrace and create Life. Our energy stretches out into the atmosphere like a magical mystery tour

Love and lessons punch the ticket and we dance forward streaming colors through our eyes, mouth, ears and skin. Sensual energy touches, massaging heart, mind and soul. We naturally tune to each other and justice

Laugher, reflection and tears are a sensual response of intuitive insights refining joys and highlighting the purpose of moments.

Everything we sense keeps us charged. 

 Notice what you sense.  Life's river bubbles through your veins.  Challenges define our freedoms and responsibilities. 

Moments of change that test courage are sensual beacons. Follow the light that shines justice. Recognize your power

Life is a dance with bawdy kisses and hard slaps. We are lucky to be part of this big experiment.   Passions along the path of change are rich with promise and adventure.  Challenges are the shine of purpose. Time moves fast. 

We have unique cultural seasons and consistent universal values. Humanity is Life's rhythm at its finest. We are the music. We can know harmony.

Intuition is the protective  handrail we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel through the smoke of living.  It opens meaningful communicationEvery day the sun rises with freshly painted moments.Sense momentum with courage and dignity and you will find peace and order. Life doesn't look back. 

When challenges come, intuition is a sword covered with eyes that seizes the edge for us to leap upon. If we close our eyes, we fall. Notice what you sense. Be curious. Keep your eyes and ears open. Answers are here. 

When we work together to create change and join dreams, the excitement of living becomes extraordinary focus that dazzles brightly. Forward is a white light or a yellow blaze with a red tail or a rainbow deep and amazing in front of us. Forward is love. Looking back isn't even a thought. This is a moment of peace alive with time and in sync with change.

When things don't work out or get fuzzy, the quiet pause that tests courage is your intuitive opportunity to reconnect and commune quietly with inner passions, justice and timing. Notice what you notice. Sensual thinking is the way to realign in harmony with the dance. Feel your balance. Life is great. Look forward. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happiness is an invisible breeze.

The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind. #BobDylan

There is no such thing as fixed reality. Everything changes. Sensing what is meaningful and taking action that serves you is the path to happiness
photo by Nancy Howard
Tune to the part of your mind that is the seat of action. Listen for it. You know when things feel right. Life is amazing.

Intuitive thinking resolves nagging doubts and answers questions by taking the pressure of emotional thinking out of the equation.

Emotional thinking isolates us from each other by disconnecting intuitive priorities that bring happiness to the flow of life.

The purpose of emotions is to highlight what we sense not dominate our thinking. Don't let emotions define choices. Noticing what you sense will pull you back to the power of the present

Notice the nudge.

Intuition drives action that leads to long-term happiness. No matter what you are thinking or experiencing, the nudge is your intuition. It is always present and in tune with priorities.  

Timing, health, creativity and love are intuitive connections that take Life to a higher level. These enhance how we sense the day-to-day. Sensing what matters is sensing an energy, like justice, or  respect, or light. Natural sensuality is a seamless support system. It's simple. 

Sensual thinking is organic. Sensing feels present, personal and natural, but not emotional. Using our senses keeps us in-sync with change. Sensual strategies unburden pressures of reality and help rebalance responsibilities. 

Intuition is often surprising and we trust our gut and do more than ever imagined. Balancing perspective to sync with the big picture of our dreams keeps happiness in focus. The 5 senses reveal boundaries and limits. Our 6th sense defines and clarifies how to navigate. 

Be curious. Curiosity is your intuitive tool that reveals how things come together. It's the reality check that launches desire.  

Every day is unpredictable. Adapting to rhythms in the present, we move through time like clouds in the sky. Reasons and answers change. The bottom line of self-respect stays the same. Intuitively we connect, survive and thrive. Sensing the way keeps us confident and aware.


Commit to what feels meaningful. Shake free of emotional stagnation and unhelpful expectations you place on yourself. The truth you need will surface.  

When excitement unbalances the flow of Life, intuition makes us curiousdignified and courageous to connect excitement of the moment with thoughts, dreams and heart. Intutive thinking serves vital needs guiiding actions to sync with comforting inner stability we call momentum. 

You can sense the bigger picture of reality that connects with your future and our world. Feel which way the winds are blowing. Commit to what feels meaningful before you buy a pair of shoes, accept a job, watch TV or eat dessert. Sense what is meaningful. Take action that serves you.
Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve. ~JKRowlings
Every day is an unpredictable theater of the absurd and wonderful. Timing, health, adventure, travel and Love are everywhere. Happiness is an invisible breeze. 


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